Hack New Haven

Reach for the Stars

9-10 November, 2024 — West Haven, CT, United States

Welcome to Hack New Haven at the University of New Haven! This is the premier hackathon for the region. Join us for a weekend of innovation and collaboration as we explore the theme of reaching for new heights in technology and beyond.


Expand your skills, and tackle real-world challenges.


Dare to dream, code to innovate with us!


Connect with like-minded individuals.


What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an invention marathon. Students come together to build cool software & hardware hacks over 24-48 hours. It’s very beginner friendly.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. Attending a hackathon is free.

Do I need to be a student to attend?

Yes. Only students who are currently enrolled at a college/university or have graduated within the past 12 months are eligible to attend.

Where is the event?

The event is being hosted at the University of New Haven, West Haven, CT.

What is Major League Hacking?

Major League Hacking is the official student hackathon league in North America & Europe. We work with over 200 Member Events and empower over 70,000 students every year.

Is there a code of conduct?

Yes there is. We enforce it very strongly. You can find it here.